As the Partner, What Role Should I Play in Making Decisions About the Pregnancy?

man curious about his role in his partner's pregnancy

You may question the role you play during your partner’s pregnancy, especially if the pregnancy is unexpected or unplanned. After all, you don’t want to overstep, but you’re likely interested in supporting your partner and making big decisions together.

First, remind yourself that your partner has the final say because this is her pregnancy. But you can have a great influence on her decision, including whether she continues the pregnancy. Your role varies widely and depends on factors like your relationship and the pregnancy situation.

Navigating an Unexpected Pregnancy

Discussing your role can be a touchy subject if the pregnancy is unexpected. This may be a time of great emotional stress and discomfort. Having a calm, rational discussion with your partner is key.

Again, this is your partner’s pregnancy decision. But she may want your input about possible options or need guidance. Researching abortion, adoption, and parenting alone can be difficult and feel overwhelming.

Ask your partner if she would consider receiving free pregnancy services together at Liberty Women’s Clinic. We offer lab-quality pregnancy testing to confirm her pregnancy, and she may be eligible for a limited OB ultrasound to verify vital information such as gestational age and the location of the pregnancy.

We can also discuss her pregnancy options and address any concerns you both have. Did you know men’s services are available, too? Together, you can find answers to your questions and a clear path forward.

Continuing with a Pregnancy

Your partner may decide to move forward with her pregnancy and either parent or place the baby for adoption. You have an important role with either option.

If your partner selects parenting, understand that this is a big responsibility–and not one to run from. Your partner needs you now more than ever. Taking advantage of community resources and preparing for fatherhood through classes and mentoring are crucial steps that you can take.

You are still needed if your partner pursues adoption. Together, you can craft an adoption plan and determine your level of involvement in the child’s life.

As the father, you have rights, but remember that any decision made during the pregnancy is technically left up to the mother. With any option, your relationship may affect your role.

We’re Here for You, Too

Liberty Women’s Clinic is here for men and women during unexpected pregnancies. We care about your thoughts and concerns during this time.

Meet with a nurse at our clinic for a free and confidential consultation. Contact us today about our men’s services.

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This information is intended for general educational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional counseling and/or medical advice.

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