How to Tell Your Parents About Your Partner’s Pregnancy

man curious about how to tell his parents that his partner is pregnant

Did your partner recently tell you she’s pregnant? Are you worried about how to tell your parents? No matter what you’re thinking or feeling right now, it’s understandable, but there are steps you can take to make sharing the news easier.

This article will highlight those steps. If you need a safe space to talk and find answers, contact Liberty Women’s Clinic to talk with one of our caring team members. All appointments and resources are free and confidential.

Help Your Partner Verify Her Pregnancy

Did your partner verify her pregnancy with medical-grade pregnancy testing and an ultrasound? If not, this is an important first step before telling your parents, as your partner may have miscarried since taking a home test.

An ultrasound will verify your partner is still, in fact, pregnant—and give her other essential details she needs to know to stay safe.

At Liberty Women’s Clinic, we offer free pregnancy testing. A nurse will follow up to see if a limited ultrasound is right for your partner.

Think Through What You Want to Say

The idea of telling your parents about your partner’s pregnancy can feel scary. You’re likely worried about how they’ll respond or what they’ll think about you. Thinking through what you want to say beforehand can help you feel more confident going into the conversation.

Some things to consider include:

  • What pregnancy choices is my partner considering?
  • How do I feel about my partner’s pregnancy choice?
  • If she chooses to parent, how can I actively support her in this decision?
  • What will I do if my parents don’t respond how I hope?

Reassure Your Partner

It’s essential to reassure your partner that even if your parents don’t respond the way you both hope, you’ll still be there for her no matter what. However you’re feeling right now, she’s likely feeling it even more, and she needs to know that she can count on your support.

We’re Here for You Both

We know what you and your partner are going through right now, but you two aren’t alone. We’re here for you.

Contact us today to learn how we’re here to help.

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This information is intended for general educational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional counseling and/or medical advice.

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