3 Things Needed Before an Elective Abortion

Before scheduling an abortion procedure or taking medication to abort at home, you should do these three things:   Have your home pregnancy test verified by a health professional Talk with a health professional about scheduling an ultrasound Get tested for STI/STDs   These three steps will reveal vital information about your pregnancy and health […]

Can I Take Plan B Instead of the Abortion Pill?

The short answer? No. The key difference between the two drugs is that the abortion pill is used after the pregnancy has started, and emergency contraception is intended to work before a fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus. How the Abortion Pill Works The abortion pill is actually a series of two pills taken […]

What Is the Abortion Pill?

When faced with an unintended pregnancy (which is almost half of pregnancies in the US), women will face mixed emotions. Some will experience joy while others will experience anxiety, fear, and confusion. Upon confirming that they are pregnant, the next question that comes is “What are my options?” At this stage, many women will consider […]

What Are the Side Effects of the Abortion Pill?

Every medical procedure and medication has potential side effects and risks. If you’re weighing your options for an unintended pregnancy, you may be wondering about the potential side effects of the abortion pill. Keep reading to learn more about the steps you should take before taking the abortion pill. How Does the Abortion Pill Work? […]

What Are The Risks of Ordering the Abortion Pill Online?

The abortion pill is advertised as a safe and simple way to take care of unwanted pregnancy, but the process can be dangerous to women. It is imperative to understand the risks associated with ordering the pill online, as well as the risks of the pill itself. Ultimately, the decision is yours, but as with […]

Pregnancy May Ruin My Life

This story is shared with permission from the client. At LWC, we take our clients’ privacy very seriously and never share their personal information without their consent.   My life changed drastically three Octobers ago when I stared at two blue lines on a pregnancy test. Thinking it was just a false positive, I took […]

Important Pregnancy Medical History

This story is written by one of the LWC staff. *All names are changed for confidentiality.   One afternoon, a young woman named Ciara* came to the Clinic for pregnancy testing. A friend of hers had been to Liberty Women’s Clinic in the past and had recommended Ciara come see us. Ciara’s friend, a former […]

What Are the Risks of Abortion?

Women who experience unintended pregnancies can often feel pressured to make their decision quickly. This pressure can come from family members, financial stress, or your partner. We understand the anxiety that can come from feeling like you need to make a decision quickly. We also understand that it can be tempting to make a fear-based […]

Questions about STIs

This story is written by one of the LWC staff. *All names are changed to protect the privacy of our clients.   Annie*, a High School student called LWC, expressing much stress due to the many changes COVID 19 brought to the end of her senior year: no prom, no graduation, no graduation parties, sports […]

What are the Risks of an Abortion Procedure? 

Are you considering abortion but worried about the potential health risks you might face? Liberty Women’s Clinic is here to help you understand the difference between your abortion procedure options, provide awareness surrounding the various risks and side effects you may encounter, and educate you on the healthiest and safest pregnancy options for you!  What […]

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