3 Reasons You Need an Ultrasound Before Abortion

Some states in the United States require an ultrasound prior to an abortion procedure, but other states do not maintain this requirement. If you are wondering whether or not to schedule an ultrasound before your abortion procedure, here are a few things to consider. If your period is late and you’re experiencing other pregnancy symptoms […]

Eating Disorder and Pregnancy

Dealing with an eating disorder is something no one can truly understand unless they have been through it themself. Pregnancy may be viewed in the same way. No one can truly understand the physical and emotional demands a mother deals with until a woman experiences it herself. During pregnancy, the baby gets all its nutrients […]

Am I Pregnant…Again?

You may have been a mom for several months or years now, and thought your baby days were over. Maybe you thought you couldn’t get pregnant again. But now you’re feeling ‘off’. Maybe you are tired, nauseated, or frequently needing to urinate. You try to remember when your last period was but draw a blank […]

Scared to Tell People I’m Pregnant

You just found out you are pregnant. It is not what you wanted or expected. You are still reeling from the news and now you need to tell someone.  Think about: Is this the best time to break the news? Timing matters. You need to figure out if they are calm and not distracted. Do […]

Pregnancy Decisions and Emotions

Angry. Lost. Frustrated. Overwhelmed. Panicked. Every woman who has faced an unplanned pregnancy will tell you she rode a roller coaster of emotion. You may have a thousand scenarios playing in your mind right now. But, it is important that you gather all of the information you need to make this life-changing decision.  At Liberty […]

What Are My Abortion Options?

In this blog, we’ll uncover the potential risks and side effects of each of your abortion options. We’ll break down how the various procedures terminate a pregnancy so you can understand what each may entail. What are my abortion options? Before we can discuss the risks and side effects of each of your abortion options, […]

Does Having a Baby Ruin Your Life?

You just took a pregnancy test. Time seems to move slowly as you wait for the results. When you look down and see that positive test line, your mind starts racing. Your first instinct is to think of all the things that could go wrong or how your unplanned pregnancy might ruin your life. Whether […]

How to Make a Decision About Pregnancy

You think you might be pregnant, but positive that you don’t want to be. If you are pregnant, it feels devastating. Maybe you have plans to go to college, or finances are tight, maybe your relationship is rocky. It could be all the above. It may also be none of the above and you’re just […]

Pregnancy Help: Medicaid and Show-Me Healthy Babies

Are you pregnant and without health insurance? One of the biggest questions facing pregnant women is how to find pregnancy help to pay for prenatal care and hospital bills. Fortunately, the State of Missouri has insurance programs specifically for pregnant women. Some women may be eligible even if they already have private health insurance or […]

STDs and Pregnancy

Sexual activity not only puts you at risk for pregnancy, but also for sexually transmitted infections (STI) and sexually transmitted diseases (STD). It’s important to think about your health and safety  regardless of what your intention may be for your pregnancy. If you are sexually active, you should be tested for STI/STDs. STI and STD: […]

You will never have this day again, so make it count.