Are you trying to navigate an unintended pregnancy and not sure what to do next? If you’re exploring your abortion options, you may want to know if you can afford them and if your insurance will pay specifically for the abortion pill, known as chemical abortion. This time is often very stressful, and your finances […]
It takes two to get pregnant, but you may be feeling on your own right now–maybe for reasons out of your control. This feeling may cause you to panic. If this describes how you may feel right now, consider the steps below as you work towards making a decision about your pregnancy: Feeling pregnancy panic? […]
Placing your unborn baby for adoption is another way to parent. Your role as birth parent will never change. You will always be a part of your child’s life story. Only you know the many reasons you’re considering adoption. Perhaps you think an adoptive family could give your unborn baby the future you cannot. Or, […]
It’s normal to feel conflicted if you’ve had an abortion in the past and are pregnant again. Perhaps an abortion seemed like the only solution to your unplanned pregnancy at the time. Maybe your boyfriend or family told you this was the best way to make a problem go away. Whatever the reason, your past […]
Your whole life you’ve heard “you can do it!” So why does this surprise pregnancy feel like such a hurdle, such an impossibility that will derail your life? Take a minute to calm your feelings. It is normal to feel complicated and conflicting emotions. Our nurses and staff talk every week with women who feel […]
Did the results of your pregnancy test surprise you? Did you immediately grab your phone and start searching for your options? Our pregnancy clinic exists to help women like you. All LWC services are free of charge and do not require insurance. If your positive pregnancy test came as a surprise, it’s normal to think […]
From finding out you’re pregnant to wondering if adoption might be the best option for you — this process is anything but simple. Liberty Women’s Clinic is here to partner with you as you walk through your adoption plan. An important step in this process is learning about open adoption and what it could mean […]
Think you might be pregnant and are considering Plan B, or the Morning After Pill, as an emergency contraceptive? If you’re wondering about the ethics of these pills, or want to know more about how it works, keep reading. We want to explain what Plan B is and how it works so you can make […]
Are You in an Abusive Relationship? On the outside, everything looks charming and fun. But is the inside of your relationship hurtful and controlling? How do you know if you are in an abusive relationship? It might be if you are physically intimidated, verbally insulted or demeaned, not allowed to control your own finances or […]
You’ve found yourself unexpectedly pregnant and everyone around you is pushing you towards an abortion. Your parents, family, friends or boyfriend may be pressuring you to have a procedure or take the abortion pills because they think it will make your life easier. But something about that advice doesn’t sit well with you. If that’s […]