How will having a baby change me?

Becoming a parent is a life-changing event. Not only does your carefree life seem to disappear, but now you have to keep another human alive. Although this all may sound scary, and to be honest it can be, we don’t want you to walk alone in your journey. Having a baby will affect you and […]

Pregnancy: When You Don’t Know What to Do

Are you freaking out? Fear of the unknown is very real. It’s a time when you begin asking yourself questions you never imagined asking.  What will my parents think?  What will my friends say?  How would I even be able to afford a baby? When facing an unplanned pregnancy, we can find ourselves feeling so […]

Abortion Recovery

Abortion Regret If you regret your abortion, you are not alone. Abortion was supposed to be a quick fix, the only way to keep your life on track, but the memories won’t stay buried. You made your choice, but you had no idea how that choice would affect you.  Signs of Abortion Regret Maybe you […]

Signs of Abortion Regret

Unplanned Pregnancy Is Common Many women face unplanned pregnancies in the U.S., and in fact nearly half of all pregnancies that occur each year are unplanned. An unplanned pregnancy may have left you wondering what to do. Maybe now you regret the decision to have an abortion, but no one ever mentioned you may regret […]

Find the Adoption Choice Right for You

At Liberty Women’s Clinic, there is no shame in being a ‘birth mother.’ Placing a child for adoption may be the healthiest, safest option for some women experiencing an unexpected pregnancy; but, terms like ‘giving up’ or ‘releasing’ a child can make this choice sound like neglect. This is simply not true. It is important […]

Early Pregnancy Care at No Cost

Liberty Women’s Clinic In everything we do, Liberty Women’s Clinic strives to offer professional and confidential services at no cost to clients. Whether you reach out through text messages or walk in our doors, you’ll find a welcoming team of caring individuals here to help you without judgment or guilt. Our main concern is assisting […]

How to tell your boyfriend or parents you are pregnant

Positive Pregnancy Test You’re standing by yourself, holding onto a pregnancy test that reads “positive.” As the reality of the test result takes over, you begin to feel overwhelmed by emotions. Fear, excitement, shock, sadness, shame, happiness. In an instant, your life has changed in a big way. Now, how do you share the news […]

How Will Having a Baby Impact My Future Dreams?

Finding out you are pregnant may come as a surprise. This isn’t what you wanted, at least not now. Maybe you’re thinking: How am I going to finish college? What will my parents say? Will my boyfriend leave me? Will my job be impacted?  Learn From Others. At Liberty Women’s Clinic, we have met with […]

When Abortion Seems Best, Where Do You Go for Help?

Unplanned Pregnancy Being pregnant when you absolutely don’t want to be is stressful. When you’re leaning towards having an abortion because it feels like the only option for your situation, your stress multiplies. The truth is, as your body and its hormones adjust to an unplanned pregnancy, you’ll definitely experience some highs and lows. This […]

What to expect during a limited OB ultrasound

What is a limited OB ultrasound? After a nurse consultation and positive pregnancy test results, our staff may offer a free limited OB ultrasound exam at our clinic.  During this exam, our staff focuses on three questions:  Do we see a pregnancy inside your uterus?  Do we see a heartbeat we can measure?  How far […]

You will never have this day again, so make it count.